
Empowering Smart Grids: Secure & Private Data Sharing for a Sustainable Future


Imagine a world where our energy grids are not just smart but also seamlessly interconnected, optimising energy distribution in real-time while safeguarding user privacy. Our project, Empowering Smart Grids with Secure and Private Data Sharing, aims to revolutionise the way smart grids share and utilise data to create a more efficient, resilient, and sustainable energy landscape.

The Problem

Today’s energy grids face significant challenges. With the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources, the demand for efficient energy distribution has never been higher. However, traditional grids struggle with:


We propose a cutting-edge platform that enables secure and private data sharing among smart grids, leveraging blockchain technology and privacy-preserving machine learning (ML).

Key Components

Blockchain for Secure and Immutable Data Sharing

Federated Learning for Decentralised ML Training

Privacy-Preserving Techniques

Sustainability Impact

Our platform significantly enhances grid efficiency and sustainability by:


By integrating blockchain and privacy-preserving ML into smart grid data sharing, our platform addresses critical challenges in the energy sector. It fosters a collaborative environment where grids can share insights securely, optimise energy distribution, and enhance sustainability without compromising user privacy.

Slide 1: Project Name and Project Owner


Empowering Smart Grids: Secure & Private Data Sharing for a Sustainable Future

- Sukanya Mandal LinkedIn

Slide 2: The Challenge - A Fragmented Energy Landscape

Today's smart grids are islands of data, unable to collaborate effectively.

Problems and Gaps:

  • Data Silos: Fragmented data hinders real-time optimization and grid stability.
  • Privacy Concerns: Sharing sensitive energy consumption data raises privacy risks.
  • Energy Wastage: Inefficient energy distribution leads to unnecessary carbon emissions.
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Slide 3: Solution - Unlocking the Power of Collaboration

Introducing a secure, privacy-preserving platform for smart grid data sharing.

Key Features:

  • Secure Data Exchange: Blockchain technology ensures tamper-proof and transparent data sharing.
  • Privacy-Preserving ML: Federated Learning and encryption techniques protect sensitive information while enabling collaborative model training.
  • Real-time Optimization: Shared data and advanced analytics optimize energy distribution for maximum efficiency.
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Slide 4: How it Works - A Synergy of Cutting-Edge Technologies

Building a more intelligent and sustainable energy grid.

  • Data Collection: Smart meters and grid sensors collect energy consumption data.
  • Secure Sharing: Data is encrypted and shared on a permissioned blockchain network.
  • Federated Learning: Grids collaboratively train ML models without exposing raw data.
  • Privacy-Preserving Analytics: Insights are generated while maintaining data confidentiality using privacy preserving mechanisms like Differential Privacy and Homomorphic Encryption.
  • Optimized Energy Distribution: Real-time adjustments balance supply and demand, reducing waste.

Slide 5: Workflow

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Slide 5: Project Roadmap - From Concept to Reality


  • Phase 1: Research & Development (Months 1-3) - Initial MVP development
  • Phase 2: Pilot Testing (Months 4-6) - Deploy pilot projects with partner grids.
  • Phase 3: Full Deployment (Months 7-12) - Scale the platform to additional grids and regions.
  • Phase 4: Continuous Improvement (Post-12 Months) - Regular updates and enhancements based on user feedback and technological advancements.

Slide 6: Impact - A Greener and More Resilient Energy Future

Transforming the energy landscape with secure data collaboration.


  • Reduced Energy Wastage: Enhanced energy savings.
  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Estimated reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Enhanced Grid Stability: Improved resilience against fluctuations and outages, with an increase in grid reliability.
  • Empowered Consumers: Greater transparency and control over energy usage, with an increase in user participation in energy-saving programs.

Slide 7: Future Scopes

  • Real-World Data Integration with Partner Smart Grids
  • Advanced Model Development
  • Tokenized Incentives
  • User Interface Enhancements
  • Production Deployment
  • Expand to Energy Internet Concept
  • Expand to various Smart City Domains

Slide 8: Call to Action - Join the Energy Revolution

Together, let's build a more sustainable energy future.

Call to Action:

  • Collaboration: Seeking partnerships with energy providers and technology experts.
  • Investment: Inviting investors to support the development and deployment of the platform.
  • Community: Engaging with the community to raise awareness about sustainable energy solutions.

Project Codebase: https://github.com/sukanyamandal/fuzzy-dollop